Thursday February 20, 2025 10:45am - 11:45am CST
Through the lens of the brain-based Neurosequential Model in Education©, the presenters will focus on
the brain, systems and practices in education, and the ways we can - and do - plan to support ourselves
and our students in light of the stress and trauma showing up in our classrooms and spaces. With
consideration for the neurological and biological impacts of stress on function, regulation, skills, cognition,
memory and relational interactions, participants will be supported in connecting the material to their
role(s) in schools, and will leave with a better understanding of the ways one can help to build skills,
support regulation, and offset the negative impacts of stress and trauma.
Keynote Speakers
avatar for Halley Gruber MA Ed

Halley Gruber MA Ed

Educational Access Group & The Neurosequential Network, Keynote Presenter

Katie Lohmiller, DrPH

Keynote Presenter
Thursday February 20, 2025 10:45am - 11:45am CST
Sandstone 1
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