Thursday February 20, 2025 1:15pm - 2:15pm CST
Educators have access to countless strategies for regulation and intervention, but the challenge often lies in choosing the right tool at the right time. Whether designing a small group reading lesson or implementing a behavioral skill intervention, it’s essential to effectively target the skills we want to build while promoting safety, success and regulation. This session, grounded in the 6Rs of the Neurosequential Model©, will provide a practical guide for planning and collaborating around intervention choices, daily practices, systems and structures. Together, we will explore how to apply the 6Rs of the Neurosequential Model© to increase our efficacy, reduce educator lift, and support not only our students but also ourselves and our school communities.
Keynote Speakers
avatar for Halley Gruber MA Ed

Halley Gruber MA Ed

Educational Access Group & The Neurosequential Network, Keynote Presenter

Katie Lohmiller, DrPH

Keynote Presenter
Thursday February 20, 2025 1:15pm - 2:15pm CST
Sandstone 1
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