Friday February 21, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm CST

Based on the book The Body Keeps the Score and classroom experience, our group will share techniques and strategies to help students recover and learn after trauma.  Our presentation is based on Van der Kolk’s research and experience studying the effects of trauma on the brain and body.

Keynote Speakers

Jill Gonia Frey

School District of Waukesha
avatar for Jamie Piittmann

Jamie Piittmann

Hartford Union High School
I teach French and alternative education in a primarily GEDO2 based program. We also offer competency-based programming, with the majority of that based off-campus.
avatar for Erin Shramek

Erin Shramek

Dodgeland High School

Heather Brinkman

Reedsville School District
Friday February 21, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm CST
Tundra A/B
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