Thursday February 20, 2025 9:30am - 10:30am CST
Dr. Lohmiller and Halley Gruber serve as Program Coordinators for the Neurosequential Network's Neurosequential Model in Education and run an educational non-profit, Educational Access Group, which supports districts, schools and youth-serving organizations with the sustainable integration of trauma-informed and brain-based content. Dr. Lohmiller hails from the world of public health and Halley comes from the classroom as an elementary educator. They are passionate about using the content of the Neurosequential Model in Education to support educators and students in navigating challenges and celebrating the successes that lead to more regulated, resilient and joyful schools.

This session delves into how educators can apply the brain-based principles of the Neurosequential Model in Education© to identify and create opportunities for building resilience, supporting regulation, and fostering connection—for themselves, their students, and their broader systems. We will explore the powerful impact of dosing and spacing in education and how these concepts affect everyone involved: administrators, teachers, students, families, and even entire communities. In a world where we can only do so much, ask so much, and tolerate so much, this session will focus on practical strategies to foster positive stress, mitigate negative stress, and build resilience across all levels of the educational ecosystem.
Keynote Speakers
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Halley Gruber MA Ed

Educational Access Group & The Neurosequential Network, Keynote Presenter

Katie Lohmiller, DrPH

Keynote Presenter
Thursday February 20, 2025 9:30am - 10:30am CST
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